It’s story time, so sit back and read on. I was talking to a friend yesterday and we were talking about the happenings of the previous day. Girlfriend had not gone to sleep (only a quick nap) but she was running on adrenaline. I was sitting there , listening with amazement at what was going on. She shared all the drama that happened, which was a LOT. Then, she told me that her friend, in the midst of all of the drama that was happening, said these 4 words that meant a bunch to me, too: I ...
Today is 14 days post-surgery. (Well, if you hear my mama’s take, it is actually later this morning.) From what I can tell, I am healing well. I am taking antibiotics to treat something in the surgery wound,. Getting up and sitting down still hurts. Bending over is a hard no right now. I cannot lift anything over 5 pounds, still cannot do stairs, and given the okay ONLY to walk around more than I was when I first got home. My next doctor appointment is next week so we will see ...
Happy New Year! It’s my hope and prayer that you and your family be blessed and receive everything you deserve in this new year. I have been watching all these videos talking about since we are in a brand new year, then we have 365 brand new chances (Lord willing) to make our dreams reality. I also see the “New Year New You” slogans everywhere. I enjoy this time of year because of the “reset” that is happening in people’s minds. Let me ask this ...
Counting my blessings after surgery, and thinking about the gift of each day.
Can I ask you something? Why is it that we put a lot of things in life "on hold" until we lose the weight, then because we don't follow through on our commitment, we never fully live? That's not you?? Glad to hear, but there are so many others who STOP living because they are waiting. The problem is that their mind has tuned into the negative and they are terrified that they won't reach the goal. The focus becomes, "What have I committed myself to? I can't drop these pounds and get ...
It's Birthday Month for Yours Truly. When I was younger, I was looking through our family Bible. Most families in our neighborhood had those big Bibles that were sitting on our coffee tables. In them, there was a section where the family tree was listed. There were several lines for name, birth, death, and baptism. Our Bible was special because ours had several pages of pictures that correspond to the parables and stories. At the time,,there were 3 in our family - Daddy, Mama, and me. When I ...
First of all - if you are a veteran, I want to wish you a very happy Veterans Day. We appreciate your service more than you know. I have veterans in my family (Army, Navy, and Marines). Many of them shared stories over the years of how they were promised things if they served their country and when they went to “cash in”, they faced obstacle after obstacle. It was insane to hear how veterans - the ones who fought for our country so we can have the things that we do - were being ...
One thing I have noticed about this health journey we are on - we don't JUST shed body weight. Yes, we get excited about the numbers going down on the scale. Yes, we are thankful that we are feeling stronger and more energetic. Yes, we get happy about our doctors being impressed with our newfound health. Yes, we are relieved when we don't have to take certain prescriptions anymore. But let me tell you. The transformation you get...isn't just a physical one. I have found that when I started ...
I know you’re NOT going to like me for what I'm about to say, but it must be said. That fat doesn't “look good on you”. It’s not “cute”. Those jelly rolls around your tummy and thighs don't have “sex appeal”. You’re not “big boned” or “pleasantly plump”. And you honestly have no business sporting the big belly - when you aren't pregnant. Those so-called “friends” are telling you what you want to hear so ...
I was looking up something online for my mama and I was alerted by a business mentor I follow about a site full of Q&A about health and fitness. I stopped doing the research I was supposed to be doing and an hour later, I was still reading posts about what others think is the worst thing for them about having too much weight on their body. There were several sad posts on this particular site I was reading, but the one that I felt the most? The one that triggered me? The one that said ...
Dress up those boring salad plates with a POP of flavor - and less of the sugar and sodium you don't need. Find and prepare your next favorite salad dressing in this ebook.