Waiting to live again?


Can I ask you something?


Why is it that we put a lot of things in life "on hold" until we lose the weight, then because we don't follow through on our commitment,  we never fully live?


That's not you??


Glad to hear, but there are so many others who STOP living because they are waiting. The problem is that their mind has tuned into the negative and they are terrified that they won't reach the goal. The focus becomes, "What have I committed myself to? I can't drop these pounds and get on with my life. It's too hard to do all this."


I know. 


I've been there myself.


Let me share what changed for me.


The biggest thing that changed my mindset was the blood pressure scare. 

Those two numbers - systolic and diastolic- both on the dangerous side.

168 over 101.


That woke me up to do something completely different.  Not the same old walking routine and eating decent part of the time. Nope - a total 180 turnaround in my life. One where I gave my all to my health to fix the blood pressure without the need for medications. I stepped out on faith, purchased a fitness/nutrition/accountability program and dropped the weight in 10 months of consistency. 


I didn't stop living, though. I continued to go places, I continued to wear the cute clothes,  I continued to immerse myself in the activities I loved. I kept being me. Putting life on hold was not an option, and neither was giving up on me.


I want you to do the same for yourself. Stop the nonsense, take your life off hold, and tell yourself it's time to live while you lose the weight.  No more waiting.




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