Rewrite Your Health Story - Clarissa Winchester When It’s Time To Upgrade, Go Big

When It’s Time To Upgrade, Go Big


Have you met the folks who upgrade things in their home, and they go bigger than what they first planned?

Yeah, if you haven't, now you have. Team Winchester are those folks - sigh.


Now don't get me wrong. Upgrading for us was a huge benefit and we are both glad that we did it. We (really me) wasn't expecting to do all of this so soon after Christmas. But after it happened, we were very pleased.

When our video game system (that was running the entire entertainment connection) died during a wind storm, we had to go bigger and get the next release of the game system.


When we found out that the game system would not work well with the television we had, we had to go bigger and get a new TV (caught a really good after Christmas sale for it), plus he wanted a new sound system to go with it. Yeah, he went bigger for it too.


When he talked to our current Internet and TV provider and found that they would not give him the bandwidth that he requested, we went bigger and changed over to a new service provider that is completely blowing us away on how fast things are. And when we let them know that certain equipment was not passing the internet speed test, the new company sent out extenders to help with the speed.


Like the quote says, "Go big or go home."


Just like what Team Beachbody is doing - a brand new program launched on 3/15/2022 to help you rebalance your gut health AND take the stress off your fitness routine. They are going BIG to address the issues you may have with the foods that you eat daily (and you might not even know you have those issues). The program is called "4 Weeks for Every Body" and the workouts are not just for beginners. More seasoned athletes will definitely feel a difference doing this low impact workout. If you do the work for 4 weeks, around 30 minutes each day, results will surely follow.


If you are ready for an upgrade to your fitness and nutrition routine, then feel free to try out this sample workout:



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