Fighting The Devil In The Mirror


I was looking for a way to relaunch my blog after some unfortunate circumstances got rid of my previous blog and most of the posts within. I was considering what I should share and how I could be the most help to everyone who reads the posts here. Honestly, all I can be is me, and at the end of the day, you will enjoy what I share, or you will find someone else to follow.

it is kind of incredible that we get much done these days. There is always someone else to blame for all of the problems we face. There is always something new that is holding us back. Every day, we are on the ready to tell someone off for all the hurt and pain and sadness they bring into our world.

Let’s step back for a moment.

When it gets down to it, no one should have THAT much control over our lives and what we desire from life. If we are allowing ourselves to be dragged every which way but the direction of our goals, then whose fault is it for allowing that to happen?

It is vital that we take a hard look at the person looking back at us in the mirror. This is the one who is actually keeping us away from the goals we have set and THIS is the one we need to fight. We allow things to happen to us, so why can’t we prevent ourselves from opening up and letting it happen? 

Now, I do realize that everything is not on us. I realize that we are put in situations and circumstances through NO fault of our own. However, if there is something you can do to make things better or set yourself up to succeed, then we need to take a stand against ourselves and our excuses and our “woe is me” attitude. We need to push back and know that the pain we feel from fighting ourselves and our thoughts will disappear eventually. And on the other side of the pain will be the results you seek.

Prepare yourself physically, mentally, and spiritually for the fight that is about to happen.

You are worth it.

I had to fight my own devil the past couple of months to get my latest course released. It’s called The Ultimate Meal Planning Workshop and it will help you look at planning breakfast, lunch, and dinner in a whole new light.

Take a look at The Ultimate Meal Planning Workshop and see if this is right for you.


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